Vojtěch Dobeš 🇨🇿
Hi — I'm a programmer for 17 years. I love building software to create something objectively good:
an effective instrument to achieve an annoying task,
a useful solution to a painful problem,
an experience pleasing to the mind,
or simply a tool that others want to wield.
You can meet me in Brno, reach me at [email protected], and find me on GitHub.
For the past 10 years, I've worked on Conductor Website Monitoring (formerly known as ContentKing). I've been part of the team since the beginning and served as the lead developer for both the backend and frontend.
After the acquisition by the American company Conductor in 2022, I managed the team while integrating the monitoring platform with Conductor's flagship product.
- Engineering Manager
- Staff Software Engineer
- Lead Developer
Before I worked for companies dotBlue (predecessor of ContentKing), Wikidi & Clevis (now part of manGoweb).
For more details about my professional experience, please see my LinkedIn.
Apollo + výhody s Typescriptem
, Czech
See video
Not all zeros are equal (TypeScript)
, Czech
See video
Jak používat Blackfire k optimalizaci výkonu aplikace
, Czech
See video
Miliony řádků v datagridu s Reactem
, Czech
See video
AJAX v Nette 2.0 [Posobota 36]
, Czech